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  • How can I both sell my game DRM-free and give customers a Steam key when they purchase it?

    Game Key Package DRM Info → Select only the DRM-free Key option. Then upload your Steam keys in Keys and Distributives. Then upload the launcher you’ll be using as the distributive in Distributive Upload

    When a customer purchases a title, they’ll receive a link to download the launcher and both a DRM-free game key and a Steam key. The customer can redeem the DRM-free key in the launcher for this early access version of the game. Once a title’s been released, the customer can them redeem their Steam key for the Steam version of the game. Remember you’ll need to request a custom email telling customers the key is usable on Steam. 

    No, this sentence is a bit wrong. When game developer setup DRM Free key, he can additionally setup a steam key. In this case player will receive Steam key as a gift. The typical use case looks like:

    1. Game developer initiate a preorders or early access for his game
    2. User buy game on developers website.
    3. User receive both DRM Free and Steam keys
    4. User redeem DRM Free key in launcher and use this version of a game During CBT or early access
    5. Once games officially released user can redeem his Steam key to have access to steam version.

    This use case implemented by our partner Game Labs.



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